Career & Technology
CTE Showcase
Experience the options the district offers career and technical education students at the junior high and high school campuses to upper-level classes at the Arlington ISD Dan Dipert Career and Technical Center (CTC) at the CTE Showcase on Tuesday, Oct. 1.
Some of the programs on display at the CTE Showcase will include culinary arts, robotics, fashion design, automotive technology and many more!
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Gateway Year 1
Students are almost done with their first design challenge. They are designing a medical brace for a student with a specific medical condition.
On Thursday, they will present their work to the class!
Some of the prototypes will be on display at the Career & Technical Education Showcase on Tuesday, October 1.
Gateway Year 2
Students completed their first mechanical build.
A simple gear train with idler!
Next week they will replace the man-power with an automated motor. Stay tuned!